台北賓館日本庭園 Taipei Pingkan Japanese Garden
台湾政府の迎賓施設である台北賓館の前身は、1901年に造られた元日本の台湾総督官邸である。台北賓館の建築と庭園は日本統治時代の最も早い建築と庭園として築造された。建築は洋風建築として建てられ、正面玄関前の南側前庭は噴水を中心とした洋風庭園、北側の庭園は日本庭園とされた。日本庭園は池を中心とした池泉廻遊式で、大きく3つの築山をもち、男滝と女滝状の滝流れをもつ。男滝と築山、池や半島状の池畔の状況などは、日本式庭園の基本として流布しているスタイル(『嵯峨流古法秘伝之図』や『築山庭造伝 前編』)を採用している。1913年に建物の改築がおこなわれた際に、庭園も現在の形に修築された。当初の庭園は洋風庭園の趣をもちカスケードも造られていた。庭園の基本的地割は当初の姿を踏襲しているが、水際の形状に若干の変更が加えられ、現状の中島は池の浚渫土を盛り上げて拡張されたものである。当初の中島は石を組んだ小さなもので、そこから噴水がでていた。
1) 現地調査資料より(東京農業大学造園科学科蔵)
2)林海平・鈴木誠(2007):台北賓館(旧総督官邸)の日本式庭園復元工事について、造園技術報告集 №4、(社)日本造園学会、76-81
The Taipei Pingkan (the official guest house of the Taiwanese government), formerly the official residence of the Japanese governor-general of Taiwan, was established in 1901. The gardens and western-style architecture of Taipei Pingkan were the earliest constructions built under the Japanese occupation. The south-facing front yard was designed as a western-style garden with a fountain; the north-facing garden is in the Japanese style. The Japanese garden was constructed in the stroll garden style with a large pond in the center. Its main features include three Tsukiyama (artificial hills), a greater and a smaller waterfall, and a stream. The form and style of the larger waterfall, the artificial hills, the pond, and the peninsula are textbook examples from old reference works on Japanese landscape gardening such as “Sagaryu Kohou Hidennozu” and “Tsukiyama Teizo Den, Volume I.”
When reconstruction of the building was carried out in 1913, the garden was also altered to give it its present form. The original garden was built with a Western influence, and included a cascade. Although the fundamental layout of the garden is similar to the original, the shape of the shoreline was altered somewhat. The island was raised and extended by dredging the bottom of pond. The original island was smaller, constructed of stones, and had a fountain.
This garden is considered to be the oldest existing example of a large-scale authentic Japanese garden built overseas by the Japanese. The restoration of the building started in the year 2000, and the restoration of the garden was begun afterwards, in 2005. Taipei Pingkan began functioning as the official guest house of the Taiwanese government once renovations had been completed in the spring of 2006. The house is open to the public on certain days throughout the year.